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Introductory Scene : Staging the Hike

It appears to me that we are well ensconced within an apocalyptic epoch.  Global Warming, Mass Extincion, Peak Oil, Institutions too big to fail -- but failing while we bleed ourselves into poverty to prop them up....


Denial may be the predominant view at the moment.  The mass media may be churning out a comforting illusion of business as usual taking place along with familiar images of industrial civilization's pseudo life,  but the stirrings of revelation and transformation to something altogether different are well underway for some of  us.  Especially to those who are sensitive enough to feel the increasingly exponential effect that modern civilization is having on planet's biosphere, as well as a keen perception of an approaching, inevitable peak of an upward arc on the sine wave of this particular cultural experiment in the human career.  I expect to be raising this issue a number of times, but the theme of this site is based on my own perception that we are due for yet another collapse of these complex social arrangments that humans began experimenting with nearly ten thousand years ago, now.


Below I've linked to Dr. Craig Chalquist's YouTube slide presentation. (If you watch the presentation, please note that between the 9 to ten minute mark an audio echo distortion will occur, don't panic, it will pass.) Craig's put together a superb outline, with commentary, sharing his notion for what he considers a more conscious approach to an apocalyptic epoch.  He so tidily sums up much of my own observations over the past forty some years -- fifty if you count my reading Rachael Carson's Silent Spring when I was in high school when I first became aware that something might be seriously amiss with the way we were living -- that I want to honor him by sharing his perceptions as a kind of introduction to my own notion of apocalypse.   I consider it possible that we all can share synergistically in creating conscious apocalypse.  Perception is primary, what follows our authentic, questioning perceptions remains unknown.  Perception is timeless, now.  Action is now.


The following is an outline of what Craig considers a more conscious approach to apocalypse that he presents in the linked YouTube slide show. I find it compatible as a suggestive outline for my own exploration of some of these same topics he introduces, going from my many years of watchings, imaginings, including my own photography, coming together here with a few suggestive words.  In the spirit of sharing his deep and worthy thoughts I pulled Craig's outline from his video and offer it below this text.  It with my exploration will be simply a kind of metaphorical topography for an open-ended exploration of pathless wanderings as I go along building this site, for I embrace Krishnamurti's suggestion that truth is a pathless land. 


At this moment, January 17, 2014, I'm borrowing from Craig's well thought-out structure to begin my own reassembly of many years of observations.  I'll be putting them into what I call scenes, not chapters.   This is, after all, not a linear observation but more a pathless journey into depths where we may even find some friendly spirits lurking about.


Topical Elements of a Conscious Apocalypse:

  • Letting go of failing institutions

  • telling and sharing new stories

  • welcoming what has been cast out

  • appreciating Earth's beauty

  • reinventing energy and transport

  • trusting the order of the world

  • strengthening community

  • reconnecting with nature

  • smart networking

  • transrevolution


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